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Guiding in the UK

Brownies are girls between the ages of 7 and 10 who want to have fun and adventures in a girl only space.  They are part of the wider family of Girl Guides in the UK, and across the world. For younger girls, there is Rainbows, between the ages of 5 - 7, but you do not have to have been a Rainbow to join Brownies. You can start at any age between 7 and 9.  Once you are 10, a lot of Brownies will go on to become Guides, doing lots more exciting and grown up things such as camping under canvas and going abroad.

1st Willand Brownie Unit

Brownies groups are called Packs or Units.  Each unit divides their Brownies into smaller groups called Sixes.  The Sixes at 1st Willand Brownies are: Foxes, Hedgehogs, Rabbits, Squirrels and Moles. Each Six is led by a Sixer and there is also a Second.  Sixers and Seconds are given a certain level of responsibility within the unit such as helping the leaders and the other members of their Six.

When a new Brownie starts she may be paired up with a Brownie Buddy. These are usually older, responsible Brownies who help the new Brownie through her first weeks at the unit. When she comes to make her promise, a Brownie will need to have a uniform.  Please see here for more information about the current Brownie uniform.

How much does it cost?

Each Brownie is required to pay subscriptions (subs) for their attendance. The subscriptions are currently £25 per term. This money pays for essentials such as hall rental, badges, craft materials and equipment, drinks and occasional snacks, all meeting costs and the Annual Girlguiding Subscription. There will be occasional opportunities for days out or trips, for example to the Panto, but we always try and keep costs to a minimum, and are sometimes able to partially subsidise these.  


The Girlguiding Annual Subscription is taken every February and is around £28 per Brownie. This cost is covered in the yearly subs. The Subscription is a register of all Girlguiding members including Leaders and provides insurance for each member, as well as training and DBS checks.  


All cheque's should be made payable to: 1st Willand Brownies. Payment by direct bank transfer is also available.  Please note that all Guiding Leaders are unpaid volunteers, and do not receive any money from your daughters termly subs or annual subscription payment.

Raising extra money for the unit

Gift Aid is an important part of fundraising for 1st Willand Brownies. Every Brownie will be given a Gift Aid Declaration which will give their parents the chance to help boost unit funds at no extra cost. Gift Aid allows the unit to claim back 20% of every pound given to the unit in subscription fees or donations. If you have not yet completed a declaration, please speak to the leaders and ask a taxpayer at home to complete the form and return it to us as soon as you can.

We also get money from the easyfundraising initiative where online shopping raises money for the unit without any cost or inconvenience to the user.  The link is: http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/invite/3A5G76/

We also do other fundraising throughout the year in support of unit funds.